"This book is bound to change your life"
Mirella De Civita, Ph.D., President of Papillion MDC, Founder of Grand Heron International, and author of The Courage to Fall into Life.
Learn How to Boost
This is a book about recovery. Not recovery from drugs, alcohol, or surgery, but recovery from the numerous and relentless demands we face in handling our everyday obligations. These demands take a toll on us. Regardless of whether they come from paid employment, caring for young children, looking after elderly parents, or trying to get through graduate school, our daily obligations weigh heavily on us. They deplete our energy. They drain us of motivation. They leave us feeling weary and exhausted. If you tend to feel worn out and want to know how to replenish yourself, this book is for you. We should be able to recover from our daily obligations during our downtime. But many of us don’t. In this book we will explain why downtime is inadequate for helping us recharge our batteries, and present you with an effective alternative.
Recent scientific developments from around the globe have shed light on the processes that reverse the draining effects of our obligations and help us successfully recover in our leisure time. Not only that, research also reveals that when effective recovery occurs it not only recharges our batteries, but makes us feel happier, makes us healthier, and makes us better at handling the demands that drained us in the first place. We call this boosting to reflect the multi-pronged benefits of successful recovery. In this book we draw on the most cutting-edge science to explain how to transform our ineffective downtime into valuable uptime. Uptime is the time away from our obligations that successfully satisfies the factors that lead us to feel replenished, recharged, recovered, and gives us a boost.
“Our physicians have been deeply inspired by Dr. Gruman’s articulate, humorous, and insightful presentation on the science of renewal. If some of the most time-pressured and overworked professionals in our health care system are so motivated by the practical strategies to Boost their own energy and to enhance the well-being of their patients, you will be too.”
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Praise for Boost
“Boost has deep implications for everyone” From the Foreword by Shawn Achor, New York Times, bestselling author of Big Potential and The Happiness Advantage
“This book is bound to change your life! Writing in an informative, and highly engaging style, Gruman and Healey bring to light a revolutionary new way of dealing with the intensity of everyday obligations. This is by far one of the most comprehensive integrations of modern science and seasoned wisdom in positive psychology. I highly recommend this book.” Mirella De Civita, PhD, President of Papillon MDC, Founder of Grand Heron International, and author of The Courage to Fall into Life
““Boost” does just that! It gives you a lift! This book provides practical and encouraging examples of how to re-energize in the midst of our challenged and time pressured lives. An enjoyable and extremely beneficial read.” Chris Kotsopoulos, CEO, Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada
"Do you want to know how to recharge? Boost is a must read for you. This fantastic book helps those of us wanting to understand the impact of replenishing ourselves on enhancing our connections, productivity, and happiness, and provides strategies to seriously improve the quality of our lives." Lola Bendana, Director, Multi-Languages Corporation
“Simple steps for busy people to recharge” Bonnie Hayden Cheng, PhD, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
“In today’s world of smartphones, tablets, and relentless connectivity, it is almost impossible to find a reprieve from the stresses of our day to day lives. Gruman and Healey provide clear, well articulated, evidence-based guidance in their expertly written book. Boost is an essential read for anyone looking to live life to the fullest.” Marie-Helene Budworth, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Human Resource Management, York University
“Given today’s fast paced environment, everyone needs a Boost! Gruman and Healey give us the three buckets that we all need to replenish in order to thrive in today’s demanding world. I’ll be recommending this!” Chuck Evans, PhD, CPsych, Partner, RHR International
“In the age of doing more with less, what every busy working person needs most is proven, practical strategies for staying productive and focused. This book delivers. After all I’ve read and heard about the energy crisis in today’s workplace, Boost told me a lot I didn’t know—and will apply, starting now.” Rona Maynard, Former Editor of Chatelaine and author of My Mother’s Daughter